Elektro Tramar Tramar Rent elektroinštalacije gradbeništvo storitev z gradbeno mehanizacijo urejanje okolice strojne inštalacije višinska dela elektro inženiring Tramar

Specializirani smo za:

In addition to the external arrangement, which is in our offer under the section construction works, we also offer landscaping.

We are an experienced and reliable partner in landscaping who can perform services such as: mowing the grass, shaping the hedge, hoeing the soil, fertilizing the grass, shaping the pond, professionally arranging the surroundings and the yard.

We specialise in:

  • mechanical and manual landscaping;
  • laying of paving stones and other yard coverings;
  • construction of an irrigation system.
Elektro Tramar Tramar Rent elektroinštalacije gradbeništvo storitev z gradbeno mehanizacijo urejanje okolice strojne inštalacije višinska dela elektro inženiring Tramar

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